
Sunday 1 January 2017

Study Task 5 - Storyboarding

Before the story boarding sessions, I had had little experience with planning the movement of my drawings.I haven't had to consider that even the smallest of movements need to be documented in order for the animation to flow and make sense to the animator. 
  • I really enjoyed the session, I found it so interesting to look at professional storyboards and how basic the shapes and drawings can be in order for the storyboard to represent the illustrations that will move.
  • I will have to take into consideration this use of simple imagery when creating the storyboards for my stings. It's important not to over complicate the images with aspects that aren't even moving.
  • Simple images - block shapes - bold images
  • Little or no colour, unless the storyboard has advanced and is further in the production.
  • Short and simple descriptions of what the images represent.
  • Document every movement, even if it seems insignificant and simple, the animator needs to be able to see every detail.

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