
Friday 13 January 2017

After..After effects

I really didn't think that I'd enjoy using after effects as much as I did. 

  • I loved seeing my somewhat line based work being animated! Before hand i could only really see digital and shape based illustrations being animated but I feel like I've used my style and way of working in an effective way in order to create the stings.
  • It was really fun to learn new techniques and a media to work with. Learning a programme such as after effects is exciting! It's a new platform to work on, a new method and element to consider when creating illustrations of my own. I quickly learnt that the possibilities of after effects are endless and this is so exciting to me! I'd really love to work with a longer sequence, I'm sure there are quicker and faster ways to create the hand-made aesthetic that I've been trying to create and I'd love to learn and discover this.
  • Unfortunately, after effects is very time consuming, but I really feel that the results are worth it. I studied media studies at school and I've really enjoyed being able to use this enjoyment of film and movement again.
  • If I were to use after effects again, I would try and make my work look less flat, I wouldn't have the constraint of two colours so I feel that I could be more experimental and I would probably experiment with layers and line of sight more to add a depth of field within my work!

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