- I set myself the task of making the animation 'flickery' to reflect a handrawn animation that I enjoyed so much in my research. I REFUSE to let my work look digital, I really like the natural and drawn aesthetic so this is really something that I strive for in my work, and I really feel like I've been able to do this successfully in this sting so far.
- I love the sound with the subtitles, I think it was such a strong idea of mine to use a clip of speech from Angela Carter herself, it really makes the animation feel like a true homage to her and I feel like the imagery reflects her well aswell. The use of the nature sounds in the background is also something that has been successful, so overall I'm really pleased with my use of sound and I dont think I'll be changing this in the final draft of this PARTICULAR sting!!
- I'm pleased with how i've used movement, I knew that creating an animation in this very digital way would be a challenge but i feel that I've been able to do it very well, particularly in terms of the eyes, i was so pleased when I worked out the blink, although it could be a little smoother, I'm happy that I was able to go through the process of discovering the different layers and transform tools to enable me to do this!
- I took a risk with the colour, I used the very natural feel of the tracing paper that I initally scanned in, I felt like when I edited this it just became very digital and this isn't what I wanted for my stings. I'm disappointed that I haven't been able to use textures from my prints, but it was impossible for me to have the different elements from the prints to scan in and use for the animation, and due to time restrictions I wasn't able to re create my prints in order to do this. This IS annoying, but I would like to learn how to add colour in a way that looks very hand prinited so the stings can link even more to my prints.
- Thats my GOAL for my final sting!
- Some of the movements of the flowers are a bit fast, I might need to work on these in order to learn new ways of allowing them to move across the screen in a more more natural and free way as oppose to a fast and forced way.
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