
Friday 11 March 2016

Starting to Think about shapes...

Following my concerns I have started to approach the task in a different way. I have studied my line focused illustrations and have begun to think about how I can translate them into shapes and blocks that I can create on illustrator and still look how I intended them too.

In terms of creating my illustrations on a digital software I think that the use of colour will be a very important tool. This aspect of using a similar colour palette will bring all of the postcards together.
I have begun to consider the depth of the images and how I can use colour to portray this depth, particularly within the cityscapes.


  • The idea of the block shapes and colours symbolising the location could work effectively?
  • the idea is so simple yet the purely representational images get across the idea clearly and possibly boldly?
  • each postcard would have very different colours and one symbolic image EG. palm leaves for miami in order to be able to tell the locations apart and allow them to be their own image.

  • Is it TOO simple? the colours and block patterns may cause ALOT of confusion as they're not fully telling a narrative on their own.
  • I don't think they would be able to stand out amongst other designs and i really don't think the colours and block shapes alone would be easy enough to tell where the location is meant to be.
  • am i just being lazy or being too worried about my illustrator abilities? i think i need to just get onto the programme and begin experimenting, this will enable me to see what possibilities i have, i might surprise myself?

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