
Monday 21 March 2016

Persons of Note - Three People

Silvia Plath

Through investigation into the three people i was given, i was able to consider different possibilities and outcomes that i would potentially be able to create when exploring all three people.
I really enjoyed the research element of this project and discovered many ways that i could image make through other methods that wasn't just portraiture.


I really enjoyed looking into syliva plaths poetry and found it interesting how her life and poems changed in tone reflecting on different events in her life and how she ended up in deep emotional trauma leading to her suicide. although i found Syliva Plaths life touching in many ways, i found it deeply emotional and i don't think that i will be researching further into her life.

Although i have found my research into joan of arc interesting and learning about her past intriguing, i feel like because i have only seen recreated images of herself, i will find it difficult to create my own version of her. despite this not being a portraiture brief, i know that for myself, i think ill find it difficult to create an image of her without physically knowing her appearance, this might sound silly, but its something that i can't quite get over when trying to research her. 


Through my initial research into Nakamatsu, i was INSTANTLY inspired by his work, even through my very early research i found him funny and a person with real character and wit, and this instantly made me want to create work about him. i was flooded with ideas and potential subjects to create just by looking through images and text about him.
This is something that i really look for when creating work. 

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