
Saturday, 19 March 2016

Cape Town and Oslo

By this point in the project I was really running out of time. I am fairly disappointed with myself and my time management on the project and I definitely think that I could have handled this better.
I feel like i had to rush through the final two postcards as I had spent so long deciding what to do with the project in the first place, this was definetly a mistake on my part.
I created the roughs for the cape town image based on a selection of photographs. This was the only postcard which i would be making completely from scratch which was for sure a challenge for me, but i was excited as i now felt more confident with using illustrator as a programme.

I began to create the cape town postcard by mapping out where specific objects would go on to the image. As I was making it from scratch this was a real challenge but definitely something that was enjoyable to do, despite the lack of time on my hands!!
I have really got the hang of adding elements of shading and shadow onto the image such as on the plant pots and on the walls of the buildings, I'm really proud of myself for sticking with illustrator even though i have found it close to impossible at times. 

Despite having already planned out the colours before hand, when putting them on to illustrator i just really felt like it wasn't working, i wasn't at all happy with the colour combination and i knew for a fact that i could do a a lot better to create something that i was happy with !!

  • The yellow is clashing with the pink and blues!
  • too many colours
  • too busy, all the colours are not working together, it also doesn't work with the other two postcards that I've made!
  • I need to simplify the colours down, look at other colours in the palette and create similar tones. 
  • keep it colourful but keep it simple.

I'm a lot happier with this as an image but i still feel like i could work on it a lot more in order to enhance it as a whole. I think for now I'll start the final postcard and come back to it with fresh eyes!

  • I started my oslo postcard having done some sketches on the location but not having done many roughs. i found this to be a mistake but i was working from photographs from a variety of sources so i found that it didn't hinder me too much, although i know that this was a mistake and i wish i could have done it differently like i would have if i had organised my time better.
  • By this point in the project I had a colour palette in mind and wanted to keep it similar to the postcards that i had already made, this was a very important factor in order for them to work coherently.

I found that at this point in the project i was a lot more 'skilled' in illustrator and found it so much easier and faster to create images.
I think that is definitely something that i will take away from this project as a whole, just the skill of using illustrator and the mindset that if i really work hard on something and keep at it without giving up then i can really do it, thats such an important feeling to have.

I'm really happy with the general appearance of the oslo postcard so far. I really feel like i need something to tie them all together in a further way. I will research into other artists that use illustrator in order to enhance my knowledge further and hopefully get inspiration and ideas on how i can make the four postcards more coherent. 

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