
Friday 25 March 2016

Persons of Note - Exploring Japanese Text

I've been using pinterest a lot lately, particularly looking at graphic design as Im finding more and more that it is often an important element within illustration.
I have always been fascinated by Japanese text and writing, they are almost artworks on their own. This is deinfitely something that I would like to look into further within this project. I think the bold text could work really well. This is just an initial idea but it's something thats been really exciting for me and I've been having a lot of visual ideas for it.
Here are some of the pieces that I've seen on pinterest using japanese text which are really inspiring me at the moment.

I just think the BOLD simple shapes add so much and are really effective. They can add a comic element due to being associated with elements such as manga and japanese cartoons, but i quite like this in a way. My work isn't particularly comic like at all so it could work quite well with it. Again, these are just really basic ideas at the moment but I thought id blog it because i felt so excited about graphic design!

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