
Sunday 13 March 2016

Colour Investigation

Following on from the value task, i wanted to explore colour in more depth as its something that i have almost taken for granted in the past. When learning about it, i realised that i haven't properly considered my use of it before, and this in some ways, was quite shocking to me. I created a random design involving shapes and used mono printing to explore the way that i used colour.
Monoprinting as a technique relies on the mixing and blending on tones and values and in this aspect i find it really helpful to help me to learn about the way that colour works together to create 

I explored the way that i can mix the blues and pinks to create different tones and values. I found this mini task that i set myself really helpful and useful to help get my head around colour. 
Also, based on this task and visual language as a whole, i have definitely improved with my use of shape. At the start i really struggled with the concept of shape as was unable to make pieces without using details or lines, however i have come out the other side of visual language creating purely shape based works. 

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