
Tuesday, 2 February 2016

3D task development

In my preparation for the 3D task I was instantly inspired by the way nature and the spontaneity of it can be recreated in a neat paper cut version. This is something that is really interesting to me and is definitely a positive of the idea of working in 3D forms. I began to create roughs of possible outcomes that I could have. Thinking of how I could explore different leaf shapes and sizes and then using them in an image that I could also be the subject of with the paper leaves working together with myself.

Through my roughs I was really able to look into how I can potentially create a visually appealing image with narrative and consideration of colour. As my hair is red I thought that it would work really well if I used green as the main other colour as these compliment which would hopefully tie the photograph together.

I think this one could work really well, the way that I have considered the composition and the colours and shapes, correspond to each other well.

i really like the way the face is coming out between the leaves almost as if it is emerging out of the leaves. as my hair is red i think that it will work well as a complimentary colour against the green. 

this composition shows me coming up from behind the leaves. I could have the lighting quite dark to make the scene seem almost mysterious and eerie.

the leaves are coming in from every direction - could be overcomplicated?

face from the side on with leaves as hair, this could work well in terms of fulling emerging myself into the mutant form.

face looking up from underneath, leaves coming up from the bottom, shows a dramatic narrative. 

My final image for the 3D piece shows a consideration of the composition and i think that it will work well when it comes to taking the photograph. I will still experiment with different ways of taking the photograph as i feel that when creating the leaves and doing the makeup it will look different compared to the 2D drawing. this is a negative of creating 3D craft, its often difficult to translate into different forms. 
Through my roughs I was really able to look into how I can potentially create a visually appealing image with narrative and consideration of colour. As my hair is red I thought that it would work really well if I used green as the main other colour as these compliment which would hopefully tie the photograph together.

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