
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Wes Anderson - Fantastic Mr Fox

I am feeling really inspired by the Wes Anderson film 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. I was initially struggling to think of what format I wanted to create my 3D GIF in but after watching this film I feel inspired and excited to recreate my character in a three diminutional puppet format. 
I am intrigued by the movements and slightly awkward nature of the puppets and figures in animations and gifs and for my character in particular i think that this would work really well in conveying the emotions of anxiety and awkwardness. Due to time restrictions I won't be able to go as detailed in my own puppet but I will try to recreate the shy bunny boy to the best of my ability in a 3D Form.
Puppetry and figures is definitely something that really interests and excites me, I would love to learn more about it and potentially work more with it in briefs in the future.

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