
Friday 5 February 2016

Character Development - Rainbow Hair Girl

Following on from these initial drawings that I completed at the start of the brief, I decided that I wanted to experiment further with using the rainbow pencil as I began to think about the crazy possibilities that a gif could have if i made it with the pencil. This on its own in a big step for me as I feel that I am often too afraid to step out of the boundaries when it comes to playing it safe. I would normally just use a simple block colour and a pencil line however the rainbow pencil is UNPREDICTABLE and I don't have control over how or what the colour will do next! This excites me!
I wanted to keep a realistic looking face as I feel that since the hair will be the complete opposite I should try and tackle this particular character in a way that still shows the unpredictable nature of the pencil.

Saying this, I did want to see what the face could potentially look like after further devlopment, therefore I roughly drew a couple of faces with cartoony faces. I really don't like these and maybe this idea of trying to draw rougher faces is something that I need to work on. I have come across this issue many times too far and i really think that faces is something that I need to work on. I feel like I need to have a 'signature' way of drawing faces but i just haven't quite found it yet, i need to work on that.

I ended up just drawing a realistic face and using the rainbow pencil to colour the hair. To be honest I am not particular happy with this character, it is probably the one I developed the least and I think perhaps with further development I could potentially make it look better and display a message or a meaning but I don't think with the simple and easy trap of just drawing a human face I would be able to achieve this unfortunately. Maybe I will consider using the colour pencil in a brief in the future to be a bit crazy and unpredictable.
My idea for the gif with this character was mainly considering the colour pencil, the hair would have been blowing in the wind, I do really like this idea and I think that Ill hopefully pick it up again in the future but due to time management I don't think that I have time to develop it further enough for this particular brief.

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