
Wednesday 3 February 2016

3D Work

What I like?
Overall I am really happy with my final photograph for the 3D craft task. I definitely considered the way that I have used composition and colour. Also my use of paper craft and makeup have really paid off in creating the final image. I think that the way I have used a variety of tones of green within the paper leaves really adds another element to the piece. I definitely feel that three dimentional craft has a very important place within illustration. The way that it is able to create narrative and shows other forms and shapes within the frame is a whole new way of illustrating the intended. I am particularly intrigued by the concept of puppet making and in terms of 3D craft this is definitely something that i would like to look into in the future.

What I don't like?
If anything, I feel like I could have been more ambitious with the way that I used the paper craft, I could have many other props such as vines or small forest creatures to add to the nighttime nature atmosphere, however this may have overcomplicated the image and in terms of 3D image making I think its sometimes best to keep it simple as aspects such as shadows, other form of lighting and colours have to be considered.

What I learnt?

In terms of 3D craft I have learnt a lot about the physical process but also the way it in some ways is a more effective story teller than traditional illustration. When using faces it can be a more effective way of portraying emotions and suggesting a story, however, this being said, in some ways it takes away from the aesthetic of illustration, the pure traditional craft and work. I have really enjoyed this task and I definitely want to work in more three dimensions in the future as I feel that its simply another element of illustration that can further demonstrate narrative.

an experiment of composition following my roughs.

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