
Thursday 11 February 2016

Frame Presentation

Notes from Presentation

How can we place importance on certain information in a frame?
This can be done by changing the size of the object, larger often means more important and smaller is less.
When an object is centred in the frame is often indicates importance and dominance.

What are the benefits of overlapping and how can this be achieved?
Overlapping is a good way to organise varied objects in interesting arrangements.
Not everything has to overlap.
Overlapping creates depth.

What role does frame play in composing visual information in your image?
Frame creates atmosphere.
Cropping and cutting the image down can change the way frame is used.

Laura Callaghan

  • Three women and window in same direction show the line of sight
  • The three women are the largest subjects in the image.
  • The negative space of the skin draws you in to the frame and stands out against the busy frame around them.

Tomer Hanuka
  • Line of sight draws the viewer to the womans gaze looking up to the window.
  • The line of sight also follows the raindrops as the fall past the window.
  • The colour schemeis basic and simple allowing the narrative to be easy to read.

Brian Saunders
  • the negative space of the piano creates a frame around the top of the image.
  • the size of the piano in the foreground also contributes towards this framing
  • the line of sight between the window panes and the arches of the piano draw you into the centre of the image.

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