Shy Bunny Boy in Three Dimensions!
I am really pleased with how the final puppet has turned out. I have had a bit of experience before with making three dimensional figures but I feel that this is my best attempt yet. I really enjoy stepping out of my normal 2D comfort zone and making something that you can physically hold, i think it really adds a different quality to my work. I really like how my detailed line work that I find myself doing can almost be seen in the figure in the painted details, I think this is something that really ties all of my GIFS together as a set.
I'm slightly worried about how I am actually going to make this into a gif as I feel that because of the limbs being so unpredictable and wobbly, it will be hard to keep it consistent. I will look at how I could potentially film it and then make the video footage into a gif rather than actually doing a stop motion style much like I have with the other two gifs.
I chose to have a white background when I filmed the Gif, I felt that with any other colour it might overcomplicate it and take away from the actual puppet itself. I like the fact that the white compliments the pastel and subtle tones of the puppets clothing and body parts, I think that I have considered all of this very well.
I really enjoyed making this gif and seeing the puppet come to life in the footage was great to watch.
I experimented with lighting and different tones in order to see what different effects and moods it gave to the puppet. I looked at if I could potentially use black and white in order to change the atmosphere, I thought it could maybe make it seem melancholy, however I feel that the black and white adds a haunting element which isn't the mood that I was going for in the gif.
In terms of the shadow and lighting, I wanted to keep the gif quite simple and clean, therefore I don't think the use of dramatic lighting is needed and in some ways it takes away from the feelings of being shy and feeling awkward which is the running theme through my GIFS.
What I like?
I really like the way I have taken my work and translated it into a three diminutional form, I think this really adds another level to my work and I feel that it has worked very well in terms of the series of Gifs. I think that I have considered the clothing and weight of the limbs and size of the body parts including proportions and shape, I feel that the each reflect my other gifs and my initial character design, this is something I'm really happy with.
What I don't like?
I'm not very happy with the actual gif itself, I found it difficult to move the puppet around and therefore it was tricky to suggest the emotions of being shy and anxious, however looking at the exaggerated hand gestures that the puppet is doing, I feel that it could potentially represent the inner feelings of anxiety, the feelings of stress and panic. I struggled to choose a section from the video that I took of the puppet but the part I chose I liked as he seems to turn in both directions, almost frantically looking around for help. I also don't like the fact that I had to reduce the quality of the video a lot in order for it to work as a gif, however this is a technical issue but is definitely something that I should have considered when choosing to make the gif as a video beforehand.
In the video that I took I tried to make the puppet have as many gestures and actions as possible to show the puppets features but also convey emotions of stress and panic. This is a short clip, the full length video was over 2 minutes long so that I had a wide range of footage to choose from.