
Monday 5 December 2016


  • Following on from the success of my previous two prints. I followed on with my design process, keeping in mind my main priority of keeping the five prints all linking to each other through elements such as pattern, colour and narrative themes.
  • I began to look back at my previous work, in particular my first project, the zine. I was really pleased with the imagery that i produced for the zine and i wanted to see if there was any that i could improve on and recreate in a means of print making. 
  • I was particularly pleased with the image of the naked woman, I feel like Carter's work is a strong representation of femininity and the roles and beauty that comes with it. I really want to continue this idea and produce a print representing it.
  • I began to manipulate the image, playing around with composition and layout on photoshop to see which would be the most effective in terms of the storytelling and narrative aspect of this particular illustration. 
I had previously created this floral crown piece of the print design of the face that i was hoping to create, however, due to struggles and dilemmas meaning it wouldn't of been a successful print for me to create. I thought that i could almost  intertwine this design within the imagery of the woman in order to create a piece a harmonious composition, just like the previous eye print that has elements of controlled symmetry and other sections that are almost overgrown and wild, representing a number of different elements within the poetry of Carters work.

Following on from playing around with the composition, i created a design that i was happy with, and i felt was able to accurately represent the idea of femininity combining with nature in order to create a design that could definitely be used for one of my prints.


  • Begin the printing process for my third print, continue with a similar colour scheme as i know that this has been successful for the other two designs and i know for certain now that i should keep this as a running theme throughout all of the designs.
  • I should begin to consider how these now, two landscape designs can work alongside the portrait ones? was this a mistake? i forgot to think about that when designing them in this way. I'll have to think about this once I have completed all of my designs, but at the moment i don't think thats a major issue.

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