
Wednesday 28 December 2016

Adult Fiction Cover Award - To Kill a Mockingbird

Carll Cneut
Katherine Streeter
Cecile Perra

Following on from my initial research on my book cover design for to kill a mockingbird, i began to consider taking a more 'childlike' approach to the cover, but still taking into consideration the modern and graphic style that I have previously spoken about. I think it would be really interesting to combine this hand rendered and graphic approach, and would match the brief of creating a 'fresh' approach to the cover.
I've found a selection of illustrators and collage artists that explore this theme mixing aspects of photography and refined art with a more childlike rough approach. I'm really intrigued by the different textures and materials in the work by Carkk Cneut, especially the embroidery, I love how the texture contrasts with the more refined marks and lines, I'd really like to experiment with this for the book cover.
I think print making with the textures of mono printing could work in a really interesting way too, I'll look into this aswell when I return after the christmas break.

  • One worry I have about working in this way would be a contrast and clash between the hand made elements of it compared with the graphic text, it could take away from the book cover making it hard to read.
  • The title of to kill a mocking bird is such a big title, i KNOW that this needs to be the main feature of the cover and I don't want an elaborate illustration to take away from this.

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