
Saturday 10 December 2016


  • I'm quite pleased with the composition of this piece. I think I've used the space of the print really effectively and have considered aspects such as symmetry and the use of gradient within the piece very well. I'm particularily pleased with my use of the natural element as I have done with the other prints. In this print, the flowers are more of a decorative feature but I find that i've designed this to fit within the print in a neat and a way that in some ways, brings the print together.
  • I like how i've used the block colour within the print, I have filled in relevant aspects of the design including the flowers and egg and havent overused this aspect of half tone as I've found i have in some of my other prints.
  • I think the narrative meaning behind this piece is quite strong, i have done a lot of research on carters exploration into new life and the idea of maternal instincts through her poetry and i personally think that i portray this idea quite effectively.


  • Again, with a few of my other prints i think the physical alignment of the screen printing element could have gone better, i really struggled with this particular print for some reason, i think its because of the smaller details that need to line up that i found tricky to take into consideration. 
  • I think the actual drawing of the hands clash a bit with the simpler design of the flowers and egg, i should of thought about this when drawing them. HOWEVER, the hands were a really big challenge in themselves to draw, so i was quite pleased with how they turned out ANYWAY, i think to draw them in a particular way within the time frame would have been tricky. I'm actually pleased with how the hands have turned out despite this, they're something I've struggled to draw for a long time now.
  • I feel like the top of my design is a bit empty, i should of considered the composition slightly better before printing as my final print. I don't know if this is just me overthinking my print after looking at it for too long but never the less, i'm pleased with it, there are just a few small elements that i feel i could of improved!!

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