
Friday 2 December 2016


"I am not sick. I am broken. But I am happy to be alive as long as I can paint." 
In many ways, Kahlo's work reminds me of Carter's writing and poetry, I find that a lot of similar themes are explored making me feel similar feelings and emotions when exploring both of their lives and works. 

  • Kahlo explores the element of pain both mentally and physically in her work, she considers how love and life can effect her and portrays this in her art work.
  • She explores the beauty of nature and how this can represent the pain and the re-birth and beauty of life.
  • Both Kahlo and Carter explore nature as a way of representation of how pain and love can grow and be destroyed, while Kahlo uses imagery to explore this, Carter uses metaphors and poetry to express her feelings.
  • I particularly like the colours that Kahlo uses in her work, the brighter colours oppose the darker elements and meaning in her work. I want to consider using similar colours in my prints as a whole set in order to represent this idea of a dark element of work with senses of brighter colours coming through, much like the poetry of Carter.

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