
Thursday 8 December 2016

Anna Vaivare

  • I'm really inspired by the use of mark making within Anna Vaivare's comics. The simple lines and marks are able to create whole illustrations and images that can stand alone and be effective and strong.
  • I like that such simple images can be so full of narrative and stories, this is really something that I would like to achieve in my own practice. I'd love to explore the concept of sequential images more in order to improve my understanding of narrative within illustration.
  • The simple colours in her illustrations is also something that is so effective about her work. I often begin to overthink colour in a way that causes me to overuse it. 
  • I really like that the brief only allows two colours, this forces me to concentrate and keep the work simple with the colours actually MEANING something and being related to my work as oppose to just being used for aesthetic purpose.

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