
Friday 9 December 2016


  • DR.ME studios gave such an inspiring talk! I really enjoyed hearing about their different processes and ways of working to create their graphics based collage work. It was so interesting to see a compilation of a collage a day, it really made me think of the possibilities of collage, even with drawings and mark making as oppose to just photography and found imagery.
  • I began to think about all of the possibilities with texture and mark making within the printed pictures brief and how I could use this way of working and nature of collage within my practice for the animated brief aswell.
  • Similarily, their work made me consider the penguin book cover brief within responsive and how I could incorporate this graphic textural approach in my work too.
  • It was really exciting to hear about opportunities and work that they have completed since graduating, it gives me hope! Although scares me at the same time!!

I particularly like their work that combines the mark making such as paint strokes or textures from print with a more solid graphic approach, this is such an effective way of working, i find it so aesthetically and visually pleasing.

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