
Sunday 10 January 2016

An Untold Story - Refined Drawings

After story boarding and deciding a definite narrative for my story, I began to draw out the final images to be scanned in/painted on and experimented with in terms of colour for the final book.
I drew from sources including my photos and images that I took of myself including angles of hands and buildings ect. I wanted to use pencil for these drawings as I haven't actually used this simple medium very much in the past, I often just jump in with fine liner or a pen which have a definite line to them. I really like the texture that you can achieve with pencil, especially when it smudges and creates gaps and marks when colouring in a black space, this is a really effective element of this media for me.

I also focused on mark making and texture in my images in order to create the hustle and bustling atmosphere that I have said I previously wanted to achieve in my book.
I am very pleased with how I have improved with my skill of drawing hands and people however I really feel that I could have done better with the angles and lines in the more structural drawings such as the market stalls. I feel that I'm not very good at picturing the depth and distance in drawings therefore I also struggle with the tone and shadowing in them, this is an element that I'd like to improve on!!

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