
Monday 20 March 2017

Responsive Collab - Final Photographed Images and Design Boards

The back design of the cards
My input: 
  • Illustrations
  • Colour Choice
  • Small input for use of typeface and composition.
  • Input for finding information and research for facts

The design of the concertina style collectable that would be sent away for and received as a prize.
My input:
  • All illustrations and colour choices 

The front design of the cards.
My input:
  • Illustrations
  • Composition
  • Colour Choice

Overall I'm really really pleased with the final products, a member of my group knew a bit  more about the photography and lighting studio so was able to photograph the final cards and concertina book to a really high standard.

Looking back I think as a group we worked really well together using our different skills and abilities to be able to create the final products.

I do feel that I have done a lot of the work in terms of the illustrations and in terms of the front of the cards, I have done all of the work, however, I'm glad that I had the whole group including graphic designers to give me support including their opinions.

In terms of working in a group, I have found this experience very difficult in the past, however, this time I feel that we all had an equal desire to do work and do well when creating the products. Sharing the work load, especially ideas and research was really helpful and a great opportunity to be able to come up with design choices.

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