Following on from my research into existing illustrators that I'd like work in a similar way when creating my children's book, I began to take their work into context and consider how their use of
- Shape
- Pattern
- Colour
- Character
- Size
However, from doing this, I found it difficult to be creative and imaginative in my own way. I came to realise that the characters and narratives created by these illustrators were only so successful as they have been imagined and created, not planned too extensively. I found that my facial expressions and the quick characters I drew worked better when I wasn't thinking too much about how the character would look. Almost in the same creative thought process of a child.
I feel that I was able to learn a lot about Ed Cheverton's process of creation with his use of collage and characters created from cut paper and quick, kooky, sketches. I would LOVE to work in this style but at the same time, I feel that I need to perhaps, learn from this but use it in my OWN way as oppose to trying to recreate it.
This process of re creating and studying the illustrators images in more depth has been really really helpful in learning and starting to think in alot more depth about the tone of voice that I'd like my book to have.
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