
Tuesday 7 March 2017

Penguin - To Kill A Mockingbird

Following on from a long design process, I feel that I have completed my book cover to a standard that I'm happy with. I'm really pleased with my use of texture and layering of my drawing and the graph paper.
In some ways I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to create a more dynamic and exciting cover that didn't use the mocking bird as the main image, however, despite this I'm pleased with all of the other aspects such as colour, texture, line and shape that I've used within the cover.
I initially struggled with my use of graphic design, however I think this is really successful element of the cover and I've used my research and eye for design effectively!

I'm so glad that this particular brief is over, I feel like it's been hanging over me for a while, I struggled a lot with the idea behind it but I'm pleased with the 'rough' and 'messy' textures that I have used.

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