
Thursday 2 March 2017

Little White Lies Creative Brief

Following on from my magazine research I began to sketch out a portrait of Kristen Stewart, I've often struggled with making portraits resemble the subject but I feel that I have been fairly successful in this case. I have chosen to stick with a simple line drawing due to time restrictions, however, I would have loved to be more experimental with print and other media.
I began playing around with how I could create a contemporary style fashion magazine but still keep my illustration style within the piece.
I chose the name gradient as a word to represent the forever changing trends and colours within the fashion industry.
I really struggled with the layout of the magazine, I felt that it often looked too basic, this was a real challenge for my graphic design skills as I feel that I haven't had much experience within this field but it's definitely something that I'd like to improve on.

I began to look at other magazines that use an interesting way of using graphic design. I like the innovative use of text and layout within these pieces and I began to experiment with using this same method.


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