
Friday 17 March 2017

Oh Deer Greeting Card Competition

I came across this brief to create a greeting card for the website 'Ohh Deer'. I've been a fan of the website and shop for a while and I feel that my work would be able to fit in well with their style of illustrators that they choose to sell.

I'm excited and ready for the openness of this brief, similar to the illustration 12, I feel that I have a number of illustrations that I've been wanting to create and put to something for a while, and this feels like the perfect chance to create something!

I started by exploring illustrations and images that I have created in my own time, for myself, I feel that this was a good starting point to expand on.

The competition states that it was mainly looking for valentines and mothers day cards so I tried to keep to the theme of complimentary images that could have a silly or sweet message alongside the design.
This initial design page for one of my illustration 12 designs was a great starting point, I had many ideas that I had started and then abandoned, I ran with this idea, and generated three cards that i felt were somewhat, humorous, endearing but also well thought out and professional looking to be sold in a shop or online. 

The website required small file sizes of the designs to display ready for voting, however, I'm really pleased with the three designs that I selected.
Although a quick brief, I really felt that it was important to display some illustrations and drawings that I work on in my spare time. 
It showed me that nothing creative should go to waste, even though they started as personal sketches, I feel that they are developed and good enough to be able to be displayed in this way. 
I think it's important to enter competitions such as this, getting my work out there, even seen by a few people is a really effective way to receive feedback and also see how other people have responded to the same brief. 

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