
Saturday 29 April 2017

Hanging Mobile Research

I feel that a hanging mobile is the perfect medium between a child's toy and a creative decoration for an adults surroundings. I would really like to be able to create a mobile through the use of my characters, however due to time restrictions i don't think i will have the chance to physically create it, however, I would definetely like to propose this ideas as a potential application for my designs.

A lot of existing character mobiles look at the characters in different poses in positions, they have smaller elements and details to add to the general aesthetic of the design.
I feel that I have enough details such as the stars and other components to be able to create this in an:

I think the best way to apply my designs for a mobile would be within an interactive way. I could have the cut out elements of the mobile as a part of the poetry book. The creation of the mobile is an interactive element for the child or adult to combine and hang their creation. 
This aspect of arts and crafts makes the mobile a fun and engaging element to add appeal to the book.

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