
Tuesday 1 November 2016

Changing from a BOOK to PRINTS

After alot of consideration, I've decided to change my way of working and am switching to making 5 prints!! 

I found that I was stressing about the layout of the book rather than the actual content itself. I really want my work to feel handmade and to be able to see all of the mistakes and effects that handmade printing process can give. I feel like I would have to make my book a digital one in order to overcome issues like the layout of it and I just feel like this compltely defeats the point of hand printing!

I'm considering making a zine or artbook of my prints at the end as something extra but until then, i'm making 5 prints!

I'm not too worried as I already have a few ideas to work with, it will just be about changing the size and compositioning of them to fit the new guidelines.

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