
Wednesday 9 November 2016


Following my mono printing experiments, I went to the induction in the hope to discover new methods and ways of working that I had been missing out on! I had completely forgotten about monotype! I haven't really experimented much with monotype before because I feel like it was too 'messy' for my work last year, HOWEVER, now I've relaxed a bit with how my work should be produced, I was really excited to rediscover this method.

I began to consider what had gone wrong for me on the previous mono printing attempt and considered new way of working with colour and shape.

I started looking at a new design of hands holding an egg, representing the idea of life and maternity. I thought this more simple, block shape design would translate better in a mono print method..and i was right! I've found that mono printing often works better with simple shapes, sometimes the block cut outs arn't very effective and this has an impact on the finished print. so..



  • My monotype experiments! I really enjoyed being able to add another element of ink over the top of the shape based mono prints. I know it's working with line again, but with monotype, I really enjoy the textures that I'm able to produce. I was thinking of so many possibilities with this printing method!
  • The colours! My choice of colours worked a lot better this time round. I was conscious of the colours being overlaid so I feel like I was able to consider this well. Again, it's all just practice!
  • I'm still struggling with the messy nature of this printing method. I do like the outcomes, but I'm just not really sure that it works well alongside my more detailed line drawings. This is something I'll have to consider. I need to think about if I actually still want to continue working in this way or to transform my way of making work.
  • My next steps will be to complete my workshops by attending the screen printing one and then begin to experiment and play with the methods, I need to start considering which method my designs and way of working will work with the best!

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