I found the process of cutting the lino quite enjoyable. It was interesting to be able to physically create the print on the block as opposed to before hand with positives for screen prints. I like to be able to physically hold my work, the idea that I've produced a physical object is very satisfying.
- I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process of lino cutting. I liked being able to add small marks and lines to add detail and knowing that the ink won't overlay them, which is often a possibility in mono printing. It's a more specific way of working, which as I said after mono printing, is something that I prefer in my way of working. I suppose I say it's 'more specific' but then with practice anything could work the way that you intend, but for me, at this moment in time, I'm not practiced enough to use mono printing in this way!
- The prints are so CLEAN, this is something i sometimes struggle with, but also STRIVE for in my work. I liked the way that lino allows you to either work within the shape of the block or experiment with shapes but keep the same rough texture from the cut outs.
- I should of been more experimental in the induction. I used a simple design that didn't use the method to its full ability, I'm bored of me just using line work, i want to step out of my comfort zone! use tone, texture, shape! I WILL DO THIS. For this brief I'm going to FORCE myself to create in a way that I'm not used to!
- lino cutting is difficult if you want to include text with in the design due to the printing back to front. I was considering the possibility of using quotes within my work, so this would be difficult if I were to pursue this. I'll definitely experiment again to use more dramatic shapes and textures, but this is something i'll need to consider!
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