
Thursday 12 November 2015

Do Judge a Book By It's Cover - Experiments

 Following my group tutorial and feedback on my roughs, I have selected the chosen design. I am now looking at how I can physically create it. I really wanted to use elements of digital media in this project, however, I feel that although it can assist me in creating the final piece, I realise that there will be issues with printing due to the scale and dimensions. 

I have started to explore colours and potential palettes that I could use. I have started to do this on photoshop because it will defiantly be easier rather than the repetition of photocopying and painting. I need to experiment more before coming to a final conclusion. Next I am going to experiment with media such as gouache and pro markers. I'm finding it difficult to make the piece look 'professional' and finished but still creative as this is something which I haven't had to consider in the past.

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