
Wednesday 2 May 2018


Following all of my preparation and planning for the shoot I felt prepared and ready to go!!!!

I selected the pink and purple backdrops in order to play alongside and work with the colours that I have been using in the costume and gifs.

Unfortunately, we were unable to use the coloured lighting with  I had initially planned on doing, however, I still feel that the brightly coloured backgrounds work really well alongside the images.

I really enjoyed the whole process and I feel that my pre planning of the photoshoot really helped when it came to creating the final images.

I had already planned the poses, positions and angles that i was wanting in the shoot.

 Following the shoot, I began to edit the colours and face features within each image to exaggerate the images and make them seem almost surreal.


 Overall im SOOO happy with the images and so far I've received really positive feedback!

My next steps are to place the images in the internet bible alongside my illustrations and collages.

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