Briefs Completed / In Progress:
Travelling Man Exhibiton
The Hamster Poster.
Fashion Student Collab.
Self Initiated Brief
Energy Brief
Earrings Brief
The direction of my work at the moment has been leading towards a collection of items and things that all work together forming something, perhaps an installation, a book?
I really like the idea of a collection of my work on a physical form coming together to form a book or a bible, a religious text that people follow in the same way as the bible? It could include images, words, teachings ect, all made by me with my work. this would be an amazing chance to create something physical.
The book could be a part of an installation, a shrine? The shrine would revolve around this book, about the internet being a religion. I could follow religious imagery and iconography in the same way, perhaps candles? crosses, jewellery all in the same way that religion does but recreating it in a way that follows in the internet. The classic internet symbols will replace or cover up the existing religious imagery.
I’m feeling so enthused and excited by this project I’m finding it hard to keep my ideas realistic as I can definitely see this project continuing after university.
I began my collecting all of my images together and I could start to see how they would work alongside each other as a book, this was a really exciting concept as it was something that I have been wanting to create since first year.
Through research and considering my past work that had been a success such as my self portrait gifs from COP, I decided that I wanted to incorporate this element into my current practice as it’s something that not only have I enjoyed but something that was very successful.
Through intensive planning, preparation and research I decided that it would be extremely relevant, humorous and interesting to dress as the internet version of the Virgin Mary and include these images within the book with collage aspects and screenshots from my moving image pieces. To fit in with the aesthetics and imagery that I have previously been exploring I created a number of mood board and design ideas in order to create the perfect photoshoot.
I began to create relevant props for the photoshoot and investigated into how I could make a candle in the form of some of the imagery that I have been working with and using, this was a really enjoyable process and it was really interesting to investigate a different method of creating artwork in a different department in the university. I also managed to get a hold of old computer parts which I spray painted and decorated in the aesthetics that i have been exploring within my work, all of the props and objects for the photoshoot or 'shrine' turned out really well and I was incredibly happy with them!!
I also contacted a third year student on photography through Instagram who's style would work well alongside mine in order to create effective images. Before the shoot itself I created a number of practice images in a similar way to how I roughed the photos for my COP work. Taking a series of photographs with different poses and styles allowed me to understand what worked and what didn’t, I then knew what would be effective for the final shoot in the studio.
Following the photoshoot I was extremely pleased with the images, I felt they really conveyed the aesthetics and ideas that I had set out to achieve. I was planning to use different coloured lighting to create an almost supernatural effect within the photos, however this didn't work due to technical issues, however, I feel that this didn't change the way that the images are seen.
Following this, I have been putting the images together within the book or ‘Bible’, through investigation and research into the topic again I came up with the idea to place religious commandments or ‘verses’ just like the bible however the verses state website names and the commandments are common pop ups that are often seen online. I enjoy my work being slightly humorous in this way and I’m really excited for the final outcome to come together.
I have been editing the images to create GIFS and short animations. My work is all coming together and I'm so happy with all of the effort and professionalism that I have put into this project.
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