
Monday 7 May 2018

Final Crit

During the final mega critical i displayed some of my work from the installation, alongside my sketchbooks, internet bible, animations on my laptop and other props and items that I have been working on.
I received such an amazing response to my work, I felt overwhelmed by some of the comments I received and it reassured me that my work and my practice as a whole was heading in the right direction

Comments such as:

"Try approaching different magazines or start your own!!"

This is such a great idea and such a compliment that someone thought my internet bible was strong enough for me to be able to create a publication of my own. This is definitely something that I would be interested in in the future as I have loved making the bible so much for this project.

Another comment:

"Such a massive body of work, looks cohesive and is well put together. I like how youre really pushing the limits of what illustration can be."

Again this is such a massive compliment to my practice, I've really pushed myself this year and considered what it is about illustration that I enjoy and love so much and the fact that this is evident within my work and practice is a clear indication of how my work has improved and flourished!!

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