
Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Summative Project Report / Evaluation

Within Extended Practice, I feel that not only has my work and practice been completely transformed but it has improved a vast amount. Since starting the module my work to me, is visually unrecognisable to the work that I am producing now. Not only have I thoroughly enjoyed extended practice but through my dedication and intensive planning I feel that I have produced an excellent body of work. 

Following on from my practice in second year I stayed well within my comfort zone and produced work on a similar visual appearance and skill. I completed the Travelling Man fan art brief as a safety zone for my work to sit within. The line drawings along with the digital colouring was something that I felt very comfortable with. I wanted to see how my work would fit alongside other artists in an exhibition setting. Although rewarding to see my work in this regard, I didn't feel content with the direction that my work was heading in.

Continuing on my from the Travelling Man brief I completed a series of other small briefs following similar guidelines for the execution of my practice. Again, I was not completely happy with the outcomes, I felt a sense of confusion as to where and how I wanted to continue with my creative output. I enjoyed the concepts and ideas that I was producing but I was really struggling to find a method and effective use of media to be able to accurately portray my ideas in a way that I felt was successful and strong enough to take me forwards with my practice.

Following on from the completion of a number of small briefs I visited ‘God’s Own Junkyard’, for me, this was a major turning point and a completely transformative moment within not only extended practice but for my whole life as a creative at the moment. The mass of objects all curated together in a format that seemed to work despite their seemingly random appearance really appealed to me. As Europe’s largest neon light collection it was so inspiring to be able to walk around this visually stimulating experience. As a result of this visit from this point on within the module I felt so motivated and excited with my practice. I produced a series of sketchbooks documenting different media and imagery from pop culture and 90’s to 2000’s themes, this method of creation and experimentation really worked for me, I found it so playful and really allowed me to get my ideas and thoughts down into a physical visualisation. Through the creation of the sketchbooks I was able to produce a series of more refined pieces of work from these initial ideas and playful sketches. I continued with my new found enjoyment of moving image and GIF creation that I had begun to explore within my COP work at the time, again this use of media worked really well for my practice and I could physically see the improvement in my work. 

Gods Own Junkyard

Sketchbook Experiments and Play

 Through constant research and pure enjoyment of the topic and ideas that I was exploring, the project grew and developed into something that I was thoroughly loving to create and produce. Through peer feedback and tutor reviews I was being told that it was clear that I was enjoying my practice as a result of the standard and quality of the work being made. The result of the internet bible including myself dressing as the Internet Virgin Mary felt almost as a summary of all of the aesthetics, ideas and themes that not only was I intrigued by but also that I have been trying to produce since the start of my time here at University. Again, within the Internet Bible I was extremely happy with how the imagery, colours, and quality of the book was all so representative of what and how I wanted my work to be looking like, feeling and being viewed as a body of work. The opportunity for me to be able to create my own props and set design for the photoshoot was a really exciting chance to explore and learn more about the potentials for my interests within creative art direction to be developed further. 


From addressing the issue of not being happy with the outcomes that I was producing at the start of the module to feeling beyond content and excited to continue with my work at the end of the module, I feel that through my research, motivation and ability to challenge and push my self into new boundaries, I have been able to produce a large and excellent body of work that stands out and is starting to truly represent what I love and enjoy as a practitioner. 


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