
Monday 7 May 2018

Booking binding STRUGGLE

I've printed all of the pages off my book off so far and I'm really pleased with the outcome but i've encountered an ISSUE!!!!

I'm unable to perfect bind because of the acetate within the book.

I've been given two alternative options...

NOT IDEAL! but it'll be ok, I am still able to print a front cover for the book but the bookbinder suggested using all one colour so that I can leave room for mistake.
Im considering changing my front cover idea from this:

To something more simple where I am able to use one colour for all three parts of the cover like this:

I really like this design and although its not what I had initially planned, I really like how the colours are working together.

I asked about changing the colours of the binding metal objects and she said this was also possible. It would be nice to use the similar pink tones that I have with the keyboard and computer.

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