
Friday 24 February 2017

Feedback so far

During the crit I was able to get a strong understanding about the thoughts towards my work so far, it was really helpful to know the standard of work that I was creating and to understand whether I should continue to work in the same way.
General Feedback

  • Strong use of colour throughout all of your responsive to briefs, you have used this effectively i order to respond in the most appropriate way.
  • I love the moby background, it's interesting to see you working in a digital media.
  • Really strong use of screen printing techniques within your album covers.
  • I like the concept of the moby design but I feel that you could have used some more textures and skills within photoshop.
  • LOVE the foiling on the album cover.
Overall the feedback was really helpful, it enabled me to understand the direction in which my work was heading and get a feelings towards the general response to it. 
It was quite a positive session and I feel that it enabled me to have the confidence to continue to work in the way in which I have been.

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