- I'm so so so happy with how my print has turned out! I'm really proud of myself for attempting something thats seemingly very digital for me such as the half tone but I feel like it's turned out so well! The mix of the sketchy and very handmade and rendered style lines mixed with the digital style halftone, in my opinion works so well!
- I'm so pleased with the colour choice. I feel like the darker green/blue works as a representation for nature and that darker enchanted elements of my prints that I wanted to portray and the lighter pink tone is a good indicator of the idea of new life and that maternal instinct that I wanted to allow the viewer to see within this particular design.
- The mark making and line qualities turned out really well, I was curious about how these would turn out in screen print but I really like the quality that the coloured ink gives them. I'm going to try and use these same techniques with in all my prints to not only make them all correlate but also to use this new found technique that I think looks EFFECTIVE!!
- Within the actual process of screen printing itself, I struggled with the alignment of the prints, there's a lot of different details within the design so I found it difficult to line up every leave, mark or flower whilst still considering where the other are.
- I feel like the drawing of the baby itself could of been a bit better, maybe I'm just being picky now but I feel like I could of considered this more and had more practice when it came to drawing the images for the final design.
- Maybe the design could of had more imagery of nature with in it, sometimes I find it looks a little bare in areas, or maybe this is just me wanting to overcomplicate all of my work, perhaps the subtle hint of overcrowding of floral elements works well, I do quite like the fact that it's somewhat hinted in areas, for example the leaves almost linking up over the babies head suggests that idea of being surrounded by natural elements.
- My next steps is to begin to consider how this design could work alongside another 4 prints and how I could make them all link and work with eachother without being TOO visually similar.
- I'd quite like to scan my print in and tidy up the extra marks and lines that were print mistakes and see how I can make this an even more refined and finished design. I'd really like to make a zine of some kind alongside all of the other prints when I'm finished so this is quite an exciting concept for me.
- My immediate next step is to start roughing for the next design!!
I completed a few experiments on different types of paper, I particularly liked the ones on yellow stock, I really like how the yellow seems to bring out the vibrancy of the other colours in the design.
Despite liking these experiments, I feel like the prints that I did on the cream coloured stock really bring out the colours in the way that I wanted them to be perceived and also isn't as harsh and unforgiving and the white stock.