
Tuesday 5 April 2016

Persons of Note - Swimming Pool Drawings

I have started to experiment with different ways that I could represent the image of a swimming pool and Yoshrios thought process without making it obvious. I really like the idea of collage and I think that I could play around with this idea.
It could be effective in the sense of 'piecing' my ideas together much like Yoshiro does underwater.
  • My consideration of colour and starting to use colour in a more simplistic way, looking at the shapes and patterns and how colour works within these.
  • my use of collage. i think that looking at the way that other illustrators have made work using the idea of a swimming pool has really assisted me in terms of making my own work in this same way.
  • I'm really enjoying collage and that element of different aspects being placed together, i think it works really effectively, especially for this brief. it would be great for me to continue with this element of design, i think its working well for me. 

  • I don't think that the mixing of coloration and different tones always works when creating my collage experiments, i think i could do better in terms of changing the way that I'm using media to create the experiments, especially if i want to continue this method of working within some of the postcards, poster or stamps.

Following watching the documentary about Yoshiro, i really enjoyed the colours and soft palette that was used within the swimming pool and the general atmosphere of the footage, i think, if done well, i could really use this in order to enhance my own work by using similar colours and patterns. 


I think that my next steps within this project is to really start to consider the way that i could be more experimental with media in order to create more effective collage. I really like the idea of using the grid pattern that represents the tiles in a swimming pool and i think if done effectively could really pay off in terms of create meaningful outcomes with narrative, style and a sense of depth.

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