
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Persons of note - FEEDBACK

"Something about swimming?"
"Feels very David Hockney"
"Theres a contrast between peaceful imagery and the quotes and text"
"something about idea generation?"
"he seems glum, a bit sad, moody? could he be thinking?"
"repetition of the grid could represent the bottom of a pool?"
"grid could be mathematical? relating to technology with the floppy disk image?"
"Use of collage elements to describe water"

I'm pleased with the feedback that I got from the silent crit, I was really pleased that every grasped the fact that he was an inventor and thought about idea generation, this was exactly what i was trying to portray in my posters and postcards!
I was also really pleased that the group liked the way i had used the shapes in order to describe the water.

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