
Thursday 14 April 2016

Persons of note - Final 3 postcards


  • Overall I'm really pleased with the outcome of my postcards, i feel like my sketchbook practice and methods of experimentation and planning have really payed off and have allowed me to create exciting and meaningful pieces looking at the way Yoshiro creates his ideas underwater.
  • My use of colour is really effective and i really feel like i have been able to create a real atmosphere with the light layering and pastel colour play, creating the sense of being underwater. 
  • I have really considered the use of composition within the postcards, thinking about the swimming poses and how they correspond to the direction of the 'thought patterns' I'm really happy with how I've worked with this. 
  • If i were to do this again i would i would try to improve my drawing techniques and consider the proportions of the body in more detail. However, I'm still happy with how these have turned out.
  • I don't think i would change much honestly, I'm just so happy with how these have turned out, i love the colours and tones and i wouldn't change very much at all!!

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