To create the poster for Yoshiro, i wanted to use an image of him as this is something that i was working a lot with at the start of the project. I had been doing a lot of portraiture as i found that Yoshrio was a very interesting character to draw. I began the poster making process by finding an image on him from the documentary that I watched and felt was a real turning point in the project for me so i really wanted to make a lot of reference to this within my project.
I made many different drawings on this image as i felt like i wasnt accurately capturing Yoshiros personality. Matt suggested working smaller to be able to use detail in a way that wasnt too overpowering. I found this really helpful and started working on an A5 sheet in which i scanned in a blew up on a larger scale.
After scanning in my design, i used a similar coloration method within Yoshiros body as i use on the postcards as i found this to be a very efftive method and way of working.
As I have said previously, i wanted to use an element of collage within my work and i have been considering the possibilities of printing each element of the poster off and collaging it together.
- It could look really affective in terms of using collage on another format (not photographs but my own drawing)
- i really like the hand made nature of collage and i feel like it would really be a great addition to the poster.
- i could print each element out onto different coloured paper in order to show the separate components of the image.
I began experimenting with image and layering for the background. I was initially really struggling with the way that the colours were working alongside yoshirros body and i didn't feel like it was very effective. After playing around more and looking again at the colour palettes of the postcards, i felt like i needed the poster to be more bold and powerful alongside the lighter pastel colour palettes of the others.
I began layering two of my designs together to create this piece, its something that I'm really happy with and again, i feel like I've been able to achieve the somewhat 'dreamy' nature by overlaying the colours and patterns.
After playing around a lot with the layout of the poster, i felt like the pointing finger wasnt nessasary within the image, it was extra detail that took away from the background and general message of the poster. I also felt like the central composition was the most effective way to show my design allowing him to be the centre of focus.
- i'm really happy with how the collage aspect of the poster went, i think i used my experiments well and have looked at how i can combined methods of print and techniques in order to create the outcome.
- i really like the colours of the poster, I've looked at the colour schemes of the postcards and stamps and like how this have affected the slightly dark palette that i have included within this poster.
- i really like the composition of the piece, i have considered my space well and by keeping yoshiro in a central position, i looks effective and works well as a poster.
- If i were to do the poster again i would probably consider using a better subject, although I'm pleased with it as a whole i feel like i could have gone into more depth with the detail of the piece and the work about yoshrio.
- i would have considered my colous further, looking at how they could be even lighter to work better alongside the postcards, printing on the blue paper made the colours go slightly darker which is something that i probably should have considered in the design process.
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