
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Persons of Note - Feedback with MATT!

I found the one on one feedback session SO helpful, it really made me make sense of the images that i already had and allowed me to see other methods of creating using what i already had.


POSTCARDS: lovely idea. more swimming studies. need to figure out hands and feed.

POSTER: keep it collage! don't tighten up and play safe!

STAMPS: collage . reduction. shape - of specific inventions?


Matt seemed to really like my playfulness in my sketchbook and my use of collage and other media such as spray paint, this felt really encouraging and i came away from the crit feeling really enthused and wanting to continue to work in this experimental and creative way! 

I completely agree with the feedback and i will work on the hands and feet on my postcards in order to add extra detail to them, i think this will enhance them further. 
I like the idea of using collage on my poster seeing as i have experimented so much with it in my sketchbook, it would seem a shame to not use it at all in my outcomes.
I'm un sure about using block shape and colours in my stamps just because i know that they are so small, this is something that i will have to work out nearer the time.

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