
Friday 8 April 2016

Persons of note - MORE postcards!

Following on from the development of my first postcard, i have decided to keep the other designs within a similar theme, sticking to the idea of representing thought process and colour and shape in order to represent the swimming pool and the way that Yoshrio creates his inventions.

  • i think it's very important to keep this idea of continuity throughout my postcard designs in order to make sure they work as a set.
  • i want to explore different swimming positions that yoshrio could be in and other colours i could use but still keep within the idea of being underwater with the almost 'dreamlike' appearance to them.

Unfortunately I didn't take screenshots as i went along the process, but my method was very similar to before where I would choose a colour palette and explore the way that I could create it using scanned in spray paints and methods of layering and 'multiplying' the layers on photoshop. I also used the scanned in cut paper as a method of layering and adding depth to the image.
  • DREAMY, i love how the colours and methods that i have used such as the overlay and repetition of patterns and layers really create an almost dreamlike feel, which is all corresponding to the idea of thoughts and ideas being created underwater, this is something that I've really been working hard on to create.
  • colours work really well together. I've been trying SO hard to create colour palettes within my work so that they work harmoniously together and i really think i have succeeded within this brief so far.
  • I feel like i could work harder on the composition of the pieces, so that the shapes all line up with one another creating a line of sight within the work!?
  • They are maybe TOO dreamy at the moment? i think this will definitely change once i have put the image of yoshiro swimming in, but its just something that i need to experiment with at the moment. 

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