
Wednesday 28 October 2015

A Day In The Life - Midpoint Feedback

I received feedback from peers on my roughs for the Lad Culture project. We did an activity where the other person had to tell me what they thought the roughs were representing without my input or them seeing the article. 
My work got the response:

  • "Idea of lads drinking, getting drunk and being laid. The wolf head is to convey the idea of pack mentality and animalistic attitude of the subculture"

  • "Idea of a pack of lads (again with wolf heads as a a metaphor for pack attitude) as a group suggesting that they have seen their pray (a woman). It also suggests the idea of harassment and how it's passed off as banter"

I was very pleased with the responses to my roughs as these were the exact ideas that I was trying to portray in my work, this has helped me realise that I have used the idea of narrative well.

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