
Monday 1 May 2017


Following on from the creation of the characters, I felt confident enough to go straight into designing the other characters, using elements of colour and pattern that I have experimented with throughout my sketchbook. 

I took colour aspects from my spray painting experiments and applied them to the stars and planets, trying to keep the same 'screen print' half tone aesthetic. 

I added details such as the lines from the stars, however, I wanted to keep the cover fairly simple as I am going to add elements of foiling over the top to create and shimmer effect that will hopefully allow the cover to stand out amoungst other books of a similar degree.

Overall I'm really happy with how this cover has turned out, I like the simplicity of it and I feel that I have been very considerate of colour and texture and how this has an effect on the characters themselves. 

I have used a simple text as I will be using foiling so I didn't want to overcomplicate this element of the book. 
  • Now that I have each of the elements of the  book including background embellishments and smaller characters 

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