
Saturday 6 May 2017


I have been considering other applications that would work for my product, I feel that the characters are something that would appeal and be an almost loveable duo and with this, could be an application to many products that could potentially appeal to a wider audience other than just readers of the book.

My book focuses on the idea of being accessible to children and adults, I have already considered applying my designs to the stickers and mobile as well as the main product of the book. I feel that the aestethic of the creative nature could be something that would translate well to a tote bag.

The audience that I am aiming for within the adult section would be the type of person who would wear creative tote bags, they would want to show their interests through the accessories that they wear and show.

I feel that a tote bag is the perfect combination of these aspects and through the use of my book cover design I think that the application of it works perfectly. 

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