
Saturday 29 October 2016

YCN BRIEF: Roald Dahl Literary Estate

To illustrate iconic characters and scenes from your favourite Roald Dahl children’s stories. The illustrations should appear as if they are part of a published series. 

The Creative Challenge 
We invite you to illustrate a series of iconic scenes, featuring at least three iconic characters from Roald Dahl’s inventive, revolting, wicked, or friendly stories in a style of your choosing. None of your illustrations should be boring, safe, or predictable. All styles welcome.
The scenes can be from any of Roald Dahl’s stories for children. You’ll find a list within the project pack as well as a selection of extracts for your inspiration, but you don’t have to stick to these. 

This brief is a really exciting one! To step away from the ICONIC Quentin Blake illustrations will be a challenge but I feel like my different style of working would allow me to do so. I'm passionate about narrative so I feel like I would be able to create a set of effective characters appealing to the target age group and the aesthetic of Roald Dahl's stories!
I would need to explore the different possibilities and way of creating characters before starting this brief and also research into the existing characters in the stories. 

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